Our goal is to provide each Elite 180 athlete with a unique lacrosse recruiting experience. Players work closely with coaches from academically select Division III colleges and leave our showcase with new lacrosse skills and tactics, new knowledge about the Division 3 recruiting process, and new information from college players about life at academically selective Division III schools.
To ensure that multiple opportunities are available for coach/athlete interactions, Elite 180 enrollment is limited, college coaches work with several different event teams, and fields are situated close together. Coaches have a chance to see every player in action during our event, whether during a scrimmage or in a specific skill session. College players officiate games and chaperone in dorms and are a wonderful resource for athletes interested in a sincere college student-athlete experience.
Evening sessions are devoted to recruiting education. Our coaches and current college players panel helps unravel the mysteries of recruiting, covering some of the following topics; how to know if you are being recruited, the recruiting timeline, NCAA recruiting rules, and do’s and dont’s of recruiting. A college player panel talks about life as a college student-athlete; academic majors and minors, 2 sport athletes, junior year abroad, and why Division III.
With head coaches and players from over 20 Division III colleges represented, Elite 180 offers the high school lacrosse player the opportunity to be coached and seen by the best.
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