Fall Foliage Showcase Philosophy

The Elite 180 recruiting camps were created in 2002 to meet the needs of a very distinct subset of college coaches and student/athletes.  Elite 180 now seeks to bring together the nation’s best student/athletes with the some of the nation’s best colleges.

At Elite 180 each of the teams are coached for the entire camp by a NESCAC coaches. The camp enrollment is limited in order to keep player to coach ratio at a level that allows the coaches to get multiple exposures to each of the players. We have also taken into consideration the physical setting of the playing fields and created a space that centralizes all of the games in to four adjacent fields, allowing coaches the best opportunity to watch all of the action.

Lastly, what further separates the recruiting experience at Elite 180 from the many others is the attention we pay to giving student/athletes the complete recruiting picture.

We look forward to providing a wonderful and sincere recruiting opportunity for each player that attends the camp.